2016 | Tunisia | Public Policy | Social-economic development

Design, governance and organization of the National Investment Authority (TIA)

Context & objectives:

This project is part of the overhaul of the Investment Incentives Code promulgated in 1993. We were mandated to assist the MDICI in preparing the draft of the new code. This new code will have to be submitted to the ministers for validation, then to the Assembly of People's Representatives for approval. This code provides for the reform of the institutional investment framework through the creation of 3 new institutions, including the National Instance of Investment.The project strives to:

  • The organization, the governance of the institution
  • Define the legal status
  • Define your human, financial and technical resources
  • Define the framework of interaction with the other promotional agencies (APII, APIA, ONA, ONTT, FIPA)

Main achievements & impacts
  • Target organization, governance and dimensioning of the TIA
  • Roles and responsibilities of the TIA vis-à-vis the investor
  • TIA organizational chart (up to N2)
  • HR plan and budget over 5 years
  • Regional distribution of TIA teams
  • Composition of TIA's initial core group
  • Key changes in other institutions (missions, organizational chart, etc.)
  • Detailed inventory of impacts on other institutions' governing documents

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