2021 | Morocco | Services & Manufacturing

Commercial due diligence for the merger of two companies specialized in outsourcing

Context & objectives:

The offshoring market is growing in the Maghreb and in sub-Saharan Africa thanks to a competitive offer and to new growth sectors.Our client, a major investment fund operating in Africa and the Middle East, wished to evaluate the potential of an investment consisting in taking a majority stake in a Moroccan company specialized in CRM Outsourcing. Among other things, this investment would allow the company to finance the acquisition of a Tunisian company operating in the same sector.In order to support its investment decision, the fund called upon Matine to evaluate the attractiveness of this opportunity, to formulate recommendations on whether or not to pursue the project, and, in the event of pursuing it, under what conditions it should invest and what points of attention should be clarified.

Main achievements & impacts
  • Analysis of the market and the competition.
  • Internal evaluation of the company.
  • Review of the business plan and financial projections.
  • Detailed list of recommendations.
  • List of the main risks associated with the investment.

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