We provide strategy and management consulting services based on methodologies inspired from world class best practices and tailored to local contexts
“And he who does not like climbing
mountains, lives forever in the abyss”

“And he who does not like climbing
mountains, lives forever in the abyss”

We solve your most complex problems by combining participative and progressive approach, deep expertise, reality facts and data
“We will either find a way, or make one”

“We will either find a way, or make one”

We focus on real impact, not just theory, and take commitments on results
“Being realistic means preferring a
modest reform, which allows another
one, to an impossible miracle”

“Being realistic means preferring a
modest reform, which allows another
one, to an impossible miracle”

We don’t hide behind a brand and our references match with actual team members
“A winner is a dreamer who never gives up”

“A winner is a dreamer who never gives up”

Consulting is a profession for us, not a business.
With us, you will not be just another client or employee
Work with us !
“Together, let’s see further and build stronger”

“Together, let’s see further and build stronger”
Assignments completed during the last 10 years
Public and private organizations who trusted us
Different sectors covered in our assignments
Countries of intervention in the MEA region
Offices in Tunis, Dubai and Paris operating as a single entity
Highly qualified consultants mastering our tailored methodologies
Experts enrolled in Matine’s network covering all sectors and topics
Partner firms and organizations across the MEA regions

“And he who does not like climbing mountains, lives forever in the abyss”
Abu Al-Qassim Al-Shabbi : The will of life

“If people one day were to desire life, then destiny must respond”
Abu Al-Qassim Al-Shabbi : The will of life
Strategy Consulting
Understand your environment through market research and analysis, define your strategy by formulating a clear vision and setting goals, design the path to achieve your vision …
Management Consulting
Secure your transformation programs, align your capabilities and resources with your strategy, improve your risk management, make your digital transformation a success …
Investment Consulting
Define investment strategies, assess potential targets, perform commercial due diligence, formulate and set up investment scenarios, optimize the EBITDA of a company or a portfolio of ...
Professional Services
Benefit from our network of selected subject matter experts and local consulting partners, get access to our fintech academy and to our data driven insights ...

“We will either find a way, or make one”
Hannibal Barca

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts”
Winston Churchill
Public Policy
Designing and implementing public policies, building public policy cases, designing monitoring and evaluation systems, leading public-private dialogues…
Social-economic Development
Sector development policies and roadmaps, reforms to improve investment and entrepreneurship frameworks, insights on social and solidarity economy, opportunities to boost financial inclusion, green and blue finance…
Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship
Diagnosis of labor markets, national and regional job creation strategies, jobs and skills repositories, higher education and vocational training curricula’s, cross skilling, fast skilling and up-skilling strategies…
Financial Services
Mid-term strategy, operational mergers, commercial and operational efficiency, risk management, digital transformation, software selection and implementation, core banking systems migrations …
Agriculture & Agribusiness
Value chains analysis, climatic risks mitigation, agritech development and integration, digitization and access to finance…
ICT & Innovation
Insights on tech trends (AI, cloud computing, AR/VR…), fintech development, tech-based business models and expansion plans…
Mid-long term energy policy, insights on renewables energies, green hydrogen & PtX…
Services & Manufacturing
Outsourcing, EBITDA optimization, lean manufacturing, adaptation to climatic change…
Health & Pharmaceuticals
Investments in private clinics and pharmaceutical industries, insights on tech trends in the health sector, biotechnologies…
Logistics & Mobility
E-mobility, models to enhance operations and improve logistics, high-level feasibility assessments of infrastructure projects, forecast of freight market dynamics…
Tourism & Culture
Insights on cultural and innovative industries, sustainable tourism opportunities…

“Being realistic means preferring a modest reform, which allows another one, to an impossible miracle”
Habib Bourguiba

“ It is true that the mind accepts more easily the straight line. However, when the leader sees that this line does not lead to the goal, he must find a way around ”
Habib Bourguiba
We seek to collaborate with highly motivated professionals who want to steer change around them by solving challenging issues and helping organizations grow.

Interested by joining Matine’s team ?
join us as a consultant
Interested by joining Matine’s network ?
Join us as an expert
“A winner is a dreamer who never gives up”
Nelson Mandela

“I never lose, I either win or learn”
Nelson Mandela