2022 | Tunisia | Agriculture & Agribusiness | Services & Manufacturing

Commercial Due Diligence on beverage and snack players

Context & objectives:

Our client needed to evaluate an investment opportunity in the beverages and snacks markets in Tunisia and specifically in the categories: Mineral water, Soda, Juice, Chips & Cake.The market study aims to evaluate the attractiveness of the investment opportunityThe project strives to:

  • High level market analysis
  • Client profiling: the end customer type (Who buys these products?), Purchasing power / level of income, client experience, consumption drivers
  • Value chain model and margins: upstream & downstream, distribution model ((geography, channel, type, infrastructure/assets: refrigerators, stands..)

Main achievements & impacts
  • High level market analysis: Market size and structure, product offering, growth prospects and drivers, high level legal framework assessment
  • Competitive landscape: competitors' main market, strategy, barriers to entry, pricing power, brand strength
  • Demand analysis: client profiling and experience
  • Value chain & dynamics: value chain assessment, distribution, suppliers bargaining power

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