2019 | Tunisia | Education, employment & entrepreneurship | Social-economic development

Update of the Digital Jobs and skills repository, gap analysis and adjustment of Curriculas and studies plans (REM/REC)

Context & objectives:

The ICT sector in Tunisia faces many employability challenges due to a mismatch between supply and demand for jobs, particularly for graduates in bachelor's degrees.University curricula need to be adjusted in order to allow a better match between university training and the expectations of companies and recruiters in terms of skills.Client objectives :

  • Updating of the ICT Skills and Trades
  • Repository (REM/REC)
  • Analysis of the skills gaps of ICT bachelor's degree graduates and adjustment of university curricula
Updating of the ICT Skills and Trades Repository (REM/REC)Analysis of the skills gaps of ICT bachelor's degree graduates and adjustment of university curricula"

Main achievements & impacts
  • Updating of the business repository and integration of 7 new emerging businesses with 30 companies representing 46% of jobs in the ICT sector
  • Matching the needs of companies and university training courses
  • Adaptation of 12 University Courses at 24 academic institutions

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