2015 | Saudi Arabia | Education, employment & entrepreneurship

Elaboration of employment indicators in the framework of a National Development Plan

Context & objectives:

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) is assisting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in implementing the 10th National Development Plan. We were mandated to accompany the Saudi Ministry of Planning and Employment in the implementation of the national objectives related to employment and the development of precise indicators for monitoring the progress of the various projects

The project strives to:

  • Develop an employment dashboard, including performance indicators related to different issues (employment, integration, working conditions, employment of women, youth employment ...)
  • Integrate the final indicators into the 10th Saudi National Development Plan

Main achievements & impacts
  • Diagnostic report on the employment situation in Saudi Arabia
  • Dashboard of employment monitoring indicators in Saudi Arabia, with objectives to be associated with each indicator
  • List and detailed sheets of employment indicators to be included in the National Development Plan

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