2020 | Tunisia | Education, employment & entrepreneurship

Governance framework put in place for the national employment strategy and the national entrepreneurship strategy and the design of the information system for the management and monitoring of both strategies

Context & objectives:

In a fragile economic context, coupled with social tensions and the health crisis, accelerating the implementation of the National Employment Strategy (NES) and National Entrepreneurship Strategy (SNET) could provide tangible solutions to foster job creation and entrepreneurship. In this context, the Ministry, with the support of UNDP, has decided to set up a governance mechanism for the NES and SNET and to design an information system to manage and monitor the two strategies.The project strives to:

  • Define and implement a governance framework for NES at the regional and local level for six governorates
  • Review the NES action plan
  • Develop of a monitoring and evaluation framework for both strategies and the design of an information system.

Main achievements & impacts
  • Diagnosis of the Tunisian entrepreneurial ecosystem, including a complete mapping of entrepreneurial players
  • Design and implement a governance framework for the National Employment Strategy and the National Entrepreneurship Strategy
  • Revision of the National Entrepreneurship Strategy action plan, enriched, updated (new prioritization) and shared with the entire ecosystem
  • Development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for the National Employment Strategy and the National Entrepreneurship Strategy: revision of indicators, construction of various dashboards, implementation of monitoring mechanisms and development of an evaluation plan
  • Design of an information system for management, monitoring and evaluation of the National Employment Strategy and the National Entrepreneurship Strategy
  • Communication plan for the National Entrepreneurship Strategy.

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