2009 | Tunisia | Education, employment & entrepreneurship

Development of the “Off-shore” industry for the creation of 150 thousand jobs in 10 years (education, infrastructure, business environment, …)

Context & objectives:

The Tunisia government wants to assess the potential of Tunisia as a competitive market for the offshoring sector (IT, BPO, R & DO, etc.), define the development and transformation strategy, and optimize the proposal. of current value

The project strives to:

  • Evaluating Tunisia as a Competitive Destination for the Offshore Services Sector
  • Improve the offer of offshore services
  • Define the development strategy

Main achievements & impacts
  • Creation of TACT (professional association bringing together the main offshore companies)
  • Launch of training programs in partnership with TACT and private universities
  • Creation of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (500 million TND)
  • Change in the organization of the Investment Promotion Agency

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