2020 | Tunisia | Education, employment & entrepreneurship

Support for the formulation of the national employment strategy for 2030

Context & objectives:

A synthesis, consolidation and presentation of the diagnostic work. This work aims to elaborate a solid and uncompromising knowledge base of the subject of Employment in Tunisia in its entirety.Five axes of analysis were defined in order to carry out this diagnosis: (1) Labor market, (2) National economy, (3) Human capital, (4) Governance of the labor market, (5) Mechanisms of implementation of strategies.Objectives :Define a national strategy for employment by 2030, that is jointly constructed and agreed on with the government’s social partners

Main achievements & impacts
  • Drafting of a comprehensive diagnostic document validated by 8 ministers, the UGTT and the UTICA
  • 3 iterations of task forces, involving +200 participants, both at the national and regional levels to gather the input for the strategy
  • Reviewing the intermediate works of the thematic workshops
  • Coordination of an inter-administration working group to finalize the deliverable

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