2020 | Tunisia | Education, employment & entrepreneurship | Social-economic development

Rapid assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and employment in Tunisia

Context & objectives:

Faced with the health and economic crisis caused by Covid-19, the MFPE and the ILO propose to conduct a rapid diagnosis of the economic and social impacts of this crisis on Tunisia for the year 2020.​The project strives to:Diagnosis of the impacts of the crisis in Tunisia​:

  • Economic impact ​
  • Impact on employment ​
  • Initial assessment of responses to the crisis: strengths and weaknesses​:
  • Stimulus measures (budgetary, fiscal, financial and monetary)
  • Support for business
  • Social protection

Main achievements & impacts
  • Estimated the loss in GDP to 7.9% vs 8.6% realized and the increase in unemployment rate to 18.1% vs 18.4% realized by June 2020.​
  • Simulated the model results based on 2 scenarios, both based on a strong hypothesis of a second wave of contamination during S2-2020​
  • Identified and monitored the measures announced by the government officials in answer to the crisis.​

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