2019 | Tunisia | Financial Services

Diagnosis and implementation of an internal communication system

Context & objectives:

The Central Bank of Tunisia has identified the upgrading of its internal communications system as one of the strategic projects within its transformation plan.With financial support from GiZ, the BCT asked for help in diagnosing the existing system, designing a target and defining a roadmap for implementation.

Main achievements & impacts
  • Diagnosis of exiting internal communication system based general survey with 800 employees, interviews with managers, focus groups with specific staff categories, field visits to central bank regional branches.
  • Benchmark of international best practices in internal communication (central banks, best of class companies.
  • Design of target internal communication system : orgranization, processes, target populations, topics, channels, contents, tools.
  • Definition of a roadmap and detailed action plan.
  • Implementation of a crisis communication system to cope with the impact of the covid crisis (business continuity, staff mobilization, updates on central bank activities, management of psychological impacts...).

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