2018 | Morocco | Financial Services

Design and implementation of a commercial efficiency program for SMEs segment

Context & objectives:

Attijari Wafa Bank is a leading player in the banking sector in Morocco. Leader in the SMEs market, the bank nevertheless began to experience market saturation and pressure from competitors.
As a result, it decided to carry out an in-depth review of its distribution and sales support model, while at the same time optimizing some key operational processes impacting sales functions.

Main achievements & impacts
  • Review of the customer portfolio, implementation of a new segmentation and a new portfolio management engine.
  • Review and optimization of businnesses branches organization and human resources.
  • Design of new customer knowledge, sales, and risk management practices.
  • Design and implementation of sales support indicators engine.
  • Design and implementation of sales promotion processes.
  • Optimization of 2 key operationnal processes (credit and trade finance).
  • Implementation of the new model on a pilot including 3 business centers and training of a dozen customer relationship managers.
  • Definition of a roadmap for rolling out the model to the entire network of business centers.

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