2018 | Tunisia | Financial Services

Design and delivery of a training cycle on digital transformation and fintechs for financial sector professionals

Context & objectives:

The banking and Finance Academy is a training structure, created by the Tunisian Professional Association of Banks and Financial Establishments. It aims to meet the needs of financial institutions in terms of training, thanks to a varied range of diploma, certification and continuous training programs.The academy and Matine have set up a partnership since 2019 to design and deliver a professionnel certificate on fintech and digital transformation of financial institutions.

Main achievements & impacts
  • More than 70 professionnals from the financial sector trained in 3 years (20 to 25 students per session, 1 session per year, 4 monts per session).
  • Design of a 100-hour training program including theory, case studies, feedback, group work and assessments.
  • Courses given by a dozen professionals from the world of fintech and strategy consulting in the financial sector.
  • Topics covered include digital transformation of financial institutions, open banking, data analytics, artifical intelligence, blockchain, crowdfunding, digital payments, regtech, local and international regulation..."

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