2019 | Tunisia | Financial Services

Core banking system major upgrade including new digital capacities and adaptation of operational model

Context & objectives:

Attijari Bank Tunisia is a subsidiary of Attijari Group (Morocco's leading banking and financial group)and one of the largest private banks in Tunisia10 years after the implementation of its Amplitude core banking system, the bank was confronted with technical limitations penalizing its development.It therefore decided to carry out a major upgrade (from version 9 to version 11) of its information system in order to modernize its technical platform, eliminate limitations and benefit from new digital componentsThe bank seeked assistance from Matine to secure this large-scale project, which lasted 16 months in the midst of the COVID crisis.

Main achievements & impacts
    • 6 banking domains covered : clients and products management, branch operations, payments, credit, savings, accounting and reporting.
    • 6 new components, including APIs management and 360 cutsomer view, and 462 evolutions implemeted.
    • 70 specific developments integrated in the standard version and 3000 interfaces analyzed and upgraded.
    • Program socping and Smart PMO.
    • Target design and testing.
    • Go live (Big Bang) scenarios design and rehearsals.
    • Full impact identification and processes/procedures update.
    • Traning of apprimatively 1000 staff.
    • Internal and external communication management.

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