2016 | Tunisia | Social-economic development

Contribution to structural and economic reforms in Tunisia through participation in the preparation of the new investment code

Context & objectives:

This project is part of the recasting of the Investment Incentives Code promulgated in 1993. We were mandated to assist the Ministry of Investment Development and International Cooperation in preparing the draft of the new code. This new code will have to be submitted to the ministers for validation, then to the Assembly of People's Representatives for approval.

The project strives to:

  • Prepare a rationale to support the announced reforms
  • Develop a communication support for the project of the new investment code
  • Prepare draft investment code decrees

Main achievements & impacts
  • Retro schedule of execution
  • Presentation of the draft of the new investment code stating the reforms supported in both Arabic and French languages
  • Draft decrees implementing the investment code

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