2020 | Mauritania | Public Policy | Social-economic development

Assistance in the parliamentary inquiry for the financial and legal evaluation of public private partnerships

Context & objectives:

The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry decided to surround itself with a group of national and international experts to assist it in its work. It is in this context that the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry selected Matine Consulting (technical and operational management) to assist it in the realization of its mission.The project strives to:

  • Analyze the procurement procedures adopted for the contracts selected by the Parliamentary Investigation Commission,
  • Identify cases of non-compliance with the texts in force,
  • Examine and evaluate the situations and conditions of award of the different contracts analyzed

Main achievements & impacts
  • Participation in hearings organized by the commission
  • Participation in investigations initiated by the committee
  • Assisting the committee in drafting its report to the assembly
  • Assisting the committee in the possible qualification of the facts found

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