2015 | Tunisia | Public Policy | Social-economic development

Reform of the institutional framework for investment in Tunisia (diagnostic phase, benchmark and scenarios)

Context & objectives:

The Tunisian government n with the support of the World Bank wants to evaluate the institutional framework of the investment in order to prepare an institutional reform, affecting mainly 5 agencies of promotion of the investments: FIPA, APII, APIA, ONA, ONTT

The project strives to :

  • Conduct interviews with different stakeholders
  • Involve different actors of the Public Sector and the Private Sector and establish a complete diagnosis of the current state of the institutional investment framework
  • Review international benchmark reports
  • Conduct telephone interviews with heads of country investment promotion agencies comparable to Tunisia and identify international best practices
  • Identify the different bottlenecks of the 10 most critical administrative procedures for investors

Main achievements & impacts
  • Diagnosis of the institutional investment framework
  • international benchmark analysis containing best practices
  • Bottlenecks of the 10 Key Investment Procedures
  • evolution scenarios adapted to the economic and social realities of the current institutional framework and which take into account the comments of the main actors: MDCI, agencies (FIPA ...), CEPEX, Management units ...

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