2019 | Ghana | Financial Services | ICT & Innovation

Diagnosis in preparation for the operational merger and migration of the Core Banking System

Context & objectives:

Omnibsic is the subsidiary of the Bsic group in Ghana, resulting from the merger of two banks.Following the commercial merger, the bank wished to carry out a diagnostic study to prepare for the operational merger of the entities, including the adoption of Amplitude as the common core banking system.

Main achievements & impacts
  • Review of the operational merger project with the top management : organization, governance, work progress.
  • Diagnostic des principales fonctions métiers et support : gestion clients et produits, opérations agences, crédits, placements, risques, conformité, ressources humaines, finance, IT...
  • Review of functional, application and technical architecture.
  • Recommendations in terms of business target, IT architecture, project organization, governance and roadmap for the operational merger program.

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