2017 | Egypt | Financial Services

Design and impelmentation of a new IT system and a new operating model following a bank buyout

Context & objectives:

Following the acquisition of the former Barclays bank subsidiary in Egypt, Attijari Wafa Bank, a leading financial group in Africa, had to change the entire IT system and adapt the operating model of the bank.The bank called on Sopra Banking Software, supplier of the Amplitude core banking system, with the support of Matine, to carry out this operation.

Main achievements & impacts
  • Contribution to "Cantor" program scoping : 18 months to change the build a new IT system from scratch, more than 150 people involved full time in the project.
  • Design of target processes.
  • Support to prepare functioonal specicifcations for all business domains.Support to test the new system.
  • Support to design go live scenarios and pefrorm go live rehearsals (big bang).
  • Support to identify impacts and required chnage management actions.

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