2021 | Tunisia | Agriculture & Agribusiness

Assessment of opportunities to digitize payments and improve access to finance in agricultural value chains in Tunisia

Context & objectives:

IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, promotes sustainable private sector growth and is the largest multilateral provider of financing for private enterprise in emerging markets.IFC aims to increase access to financial services in Tunisia in the agricultural sector by providing financial institutions and the whole financial ecosystem with advisory services and facilitating investment services.IFC hired Matine to carry out an opportunity assessment of digitizing payments and improving access to finance in 3 agricultural value chains (dates, olives, tomatoes) in Tunisia. In addition of sizing the opportunity, a key output of the study is to design of concrete use cases that can be implemented in collaboration with market players (farmers, agribusinesses, agritech, financial institutions...).

Main achievements & impacts
    • Detailed analysis of 3 agricultural value chains with the involvement of a 3 experts.
    • Benchmark of successfull agri value chains experiences in African countries.
    • 15 discussion groups and interviews conducted with farmers, cooperatives, agricultural SMEs, professional organizations, financial institutions, agritech.
    • Survey of 350 farmers representative of the total farmers population.
    • Estimation of the potential of payments digitization and financing needs at farmers level.
    • Design of 5 concrete use cases and definition of their implementation roadmap.
    • Presentation of the resultats during an event organized in collaboration with the Central Bank of Tunisia.

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