2022 | Tunisia | Public Policy | Social-economic development

Public Private Dialogue on the Business Climate and involvement of the private sector in the Compact with Africa initiative.

Context & objectives:

As part of the implementation of a national reform program aimed at improving the business climate as well as the CwA initiative, we were asked to put in place, according to international standards, the appropriate framework for the proper execution of the mission and to ensure assistance from the Ministry of Economy and Planning in this regard.

The project aims to:

  • Ensure the launch and framing phase of the project
  • Preparation of evaluation and public-private dialogues
  • International benchmark
  • Conduct dialogues with experts and political leaders
  • Study of modalities and options for private sector involvement
  • Study of promotional and marketing measures/events according to international standards

Main achievements & impacts

  • Inception report and inception report
  • Improvement and operationalization of the first series of measures
  • Report on the structuring of the DPP and report on waves 2 and 3 of measures
  • Report on the options/modalities proposed for the involvement of the private sector in the CwA
  • Report on promotion and marketing measures/events

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